Protect yourself against the unexpected.
If you had a serious accident or developed dementia or had a stroke for example and could not make your own decisions anymore, who would step in and act on your behalf?
Many people assume that their partner, or another family member, would automatically be able to make decisions for them, but unfortunately it’s not quite that simple.
No one can legally make decisions or act on your behalf unless you appointment them in a Lasting Power of Attorney. Without an LPA, if you lost mental capacity, your family would have to apply to the court of protection to be able to make simple everyday decisions which is extremely time consuming and expensive and costs can run into the thousands.

There are two types of LPA
Both types of LPA are designed to offer you protection and peace of mind. You do not need to prepare both, however it is recommended to do both at the same time to ensure your Attorney can act on your behalf in all areas of your life.
Your Attorneys can act for you only once you have already lost mental capacity to make such decisions for yourself.
Safeguarding Against Incapacity
An elderly relative losing capacity is difficult enough for loved ones to deal without the added worry of their finances becoming muddled. How would you cope with that additional burden?
You yourself might think this does not apply to you as you are no where near your dotage, but you couldn’t be more wrong.
What would happen to you if you became seriously ill and incapacitated? How would you manage your affairs and pay your bills?
By setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney you could authorise someone you trust to manage your affairs on your behalf.
Additional Information
LPAs must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before your Attorney can act on your behalf.
The OPG charges a registration fee of £82 per document payable directly to the OPG at the time of registration.
LPAs can be registered at any time. WWC recommends you register them straight away and can assist you with the process.